Fitness for Life

FREE fitness assessment and full lifestyle consultation, to understand your goals and aspirations

Personal Training

Keeping your body in tip top shape, when your over thirty starts to become tricky right?

I’m a dad and husband and it’s hard to balance looking after family, working, and getting some quality “YOU TIME” in

You’ve already made the decision to focus on your health and well-being by clicking onto my website.

Free Fitness Assesment!

Full lifestyle consultation, to understand your goals and aspirations, that builds to a unique relationship where you and I, work together to reshape your LIFE, and improve your Health and Fitness.

    The Next Step

    Let’s get you on your health and fitness journey to get fitter, stronger, leaner physically and mentally, lets do it today! Don’t delay, apply Now

    • 0776 843 7409


    We offer a range of fitness programmes to suit everyone, from one-to-one personal training and super intensive regimes to our famous Folkestone Bootcamps. All our programmes are designed to get you in the best shape of your life, burn calories and keep it off for good!

    Personal Trainer Folkestone - one to one traning


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    Folkestone Bootcamps

    Folkestone Bootcamps

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    Andy King – Personal Trainer Folkestone

    working in the industry for more than 29 years, after leaving the British Army following a tour of duty which saw him stationed around the world.

    More About Andy

    As a Father, Husband and Business Owner, I know how hard it is to manage everything for everyone and get you own health and fitness in, but you must make time for you. Your health, fitness, and nutrition are essential for a long, active life, but as important is the quality of that life!

    I believe it is paramount that you must train outside your comfort zone 3 – 5 times per week, to see real long-lasting improvements, and eating a healthy food plan 90 percent of the time, but it is also very important to be able to “Have a life” go out for meals, have cheat days, after all, none of us is perfect, and at a certain point in one’s life, you need to be able to get the balance right with enjoying yourself, and staying strong, healthy and lean.

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    Here’s what our happy clients had to say about AK Health & Fitness. Personal Trainer Folkestone.

    I am SO PROUD of the way my body is starting to look after starting regular sessions with Andy 5 weeks ago.

    Coupled with healthy eating and cutting down on alcohol and carbs, my tummy is the flattest it’s been for years and I feel like I’m getting stronger and more toned all over.

    I’ve lost 11 lbs in the last 5 weeks and feel fantastic. It’s hard work but I love the variety of exercise within the sessions (HIT, circuits, boxing, sprints to name just a few!)

    I have had a few bad days this week where I have fallen off the wagon and eaten naughty foods (and too much of them!) but seeing myself like this is all the motivation I need to keep on going. BRING IT ON!


    I would highly recommend Andy if you are looking to change your lifestyle in a positive and healthy way. I am a busy mum of two, working in a high pressured job and needed to make some well needed changes for the sake of my health. In the six weeks I have trained with Andy I have lost close to a stone and have dramatically changed my relationship with food. Andy is very knowledgeable on all aspects of lifestyle and has given me some great tips on nutrition, training schedules, sleep and work/life balance. I would highly recommend Andy - it’s the best investment I have made in a long while!


    Training sessions with Andy are now an essential part of my weekly routine. Other things come and go gym memberships, unrealistic diets etc... But this personal trainer I am keeping! Working hard like most people and running my own business I have found it hard to find time to exercise and keep in general shape. Overweight and hitting 30


    Since starting my 121 sessions with Andy I feel educated and confident to make sensible decisions with regards to eating the right foods. I feel motivated to exercise and have formed healthier habits. Overall in my weight loss journey I’ve lost 12kilos. Since using Andy, not once have I been hungry as I previously was. And I’ve lost 6kg of that 12kg since mid January. I’ve toned up, got fitter and feel more energetic and better. Andy is brilliant, very supportive and extremely experienced and knowledgeable. I have perhaps before felt a bit intimidated by the thought of a personal trainer in the past, but my fears were wiped away in the very first session, and I feel as if I owe him a great deal as thanks to his training and positivity I feel confident again! Andy has tailored my sessions to get harder and harder as I get fitter. I really enjoy my sessions and the progression of my fitness journey. I never thought I’d enjoy exercise again but those endorphins are addictive and I’ve formed habits that will last through my 30s, 40s and beyond. Here are some before and after pictures - I’m nearly at my goal and I’m feeling incredibly happy that I started this journey. Thank you Andy!


    Andy has been my PT for almost a year now and I am in such a better place physically. Andy is incredibly supportive and works hard in building your confidence and recognises when you can be pushed that little bit further without you realising it! Andy is a professional and went over and above his duties during lockdown with online classes to which I am most grateful as I couldn’t imagine anything worse than not being able to do some form of exercise during that difficult time. 👍💪


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